Posted by Bobbie on January 5, 2019 in A Sunlit Tides Saga Part 4 |

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Finally the footplate de-activated and the fire went away.

“Now we need to re-activate it when they’re not expecting it” Wilfred instructed.

“One jellyfish, two jellyfish .. “ Theodora counted.

“Three!” Wilfred declared.

Yay! The fire got them!

Theodora thought it might mean a credit for university. It won’t though.

Wilfred strode over to the chest and grabbed the prize for his adventure points.

“Aw Wilfred, we’re so clever together” Theodora sighed as she hugged him.

“Yes we are Darling” he agreed, “Imagine that combination in our legacy” he dreamed with her.

Then he Great Kisser kissed her defiantly where the mummies once threatened them.

His kiss power melded them together for the ride home ..

Theodora tried to be helpful with her broken umbrella because it was raining yet again on their cosmetically tropical island arrival point outside the cemetery.

But the taxi swiftly picked them back up and sprayed it behind them, to take them home.

They landed back safely in their front driveway, with the wedding area still set up, and a comfy bed awaiting.


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