Posted by Bobbie on January 5, 2019 in A Sunlit Tides Saga Part 4 |

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It wasn’t long before they reached an ominous looking door they daren’t go through until they were fully re-rested. They pitched their tent in the middle of the skull-face room’s disarmed traps, because there was room to.

Wilfred was the first to wake and thought he’d better go and check it out and clear any danger for Theodora.

He found the final treasure chest of the adventure ..

and some mummies! Wilfred really didn’t like the red one.

“Arf, arf” She grunted in sim telepath, meaning she quite fancied him .. He looked around for a solution.

Pushable statues could be pulled from there, but the mummies could get through to them from the opening it would cause.

“I don’t think so!” he protested, and stamped on the foot-plate. Maybe that would do something.

Fire burst out of the floor and walls!

But the mummies still wandered around. It wasn’t hitting them quite. He tried again.

Nope, they were plodding around the fire.

“Gha!” he despaired.

“Maybe these help!”

Theodora joined him all of a sudden from nowhere, and pulled on one of the statues.

“Arf! Arf!” the other mummy barked, coming towards them.

“Hoh! Darling! Be careful!” Wilfred fretted.

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