Posted by Bobbie on December 22, 2018 in A Sunlit tides Saga Part 2 |

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They went and saw Swollen Hearts at the local movie theatre. When they came out, they had swollen red hearts above their heads, because they were on a date. Wilfred changed into his formal and got into a taxi

prompting Theodora to as well, because he was taking her somewhere else.

Around the corner to dinner at Midnight Moon Bistro, in the day, the same place he took Penelope, as it started to rain. He thought Theodora looked so stylishly Bohemian in her bare-feet formal, waltzing to him down the .. aisle? Of Hibiscus with Orange Flowers.

As she got near, he gave her an Irresistible wink. “Juicy steaks for juicy stories” he explained. Theodora didn’t mind his lameness, but stepped around it anyway, and joined him inside for a romantic meal.

“What are we going to do about this rain?” Wilfred complained as they left, “It’s so dreary. I don’t even have any tap shoes”

“We could go somewhere else that’s inside” Theodora suggested, suggestively, “The sound of it on the roof in the restaurant was nice, like it would be if we – “

“Put these in some water!” Wilfred interrupted her. “Hoh!” she gasped.

“These are red” she pointed out, “Tiffany, and Penelope got pink”

“Because I mean this, you’re special Theodora” he told her.

“Flowers in the rain” he began to sing, “Oh-ho-ho-oh – where is my mummy?”, the song he learned in Egypt. He was pulling out all the stops.

“Aw, that’s such a nice song, did you lose your mummy?” Theodora swooned.

“Oh, ha-ha, not that kind of mummy. It’s a song I learned in Egypt” he told her, “I have a great photo of a mummy on my wall”

“I always wondered if they play chess in Egypt” Theodora pondered to him, “That’s my life time want, to be a Chess Legend”

“Oh! I could help you” he offered, “I have a chess table and pretty good Logic, and they say if you practice with someone higher, you gain it quicker”

“How do you know you’re higher than me?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t, I’m sorry, I know that you’re really smart, I hear that the children at the school all think you are”

“Doh, I’m so awful, I assumed” he tried. He brushed her cheek.

“That I have no life?” she finished for him, half defending her cheek and half offering it, “You’re right though, I’m not an Active Sim”

He touched her hair. “The rain is getting in your hair” he sympathised, “This is the thing. I want you to have a life”

She patted his jacket. “The rain is getting on your nice suit. Let’s go somewhere inside” she suggested.

“OK” he agreed.

The taxi came back and they hopped in. “Who’s going to clean up this taxi now you’ve brought the rain in it?” the driver muttered.

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