Posted by Bobbie on December 31, 2018 in A Sunlit Tides Saga Part 3 |

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“Theodora Pl .. Jayne” he nearly began wrong, clutching his chest, “I negoyaw you with all my heart”

“Aww!” the ladies sighed, clutching theirs.

“You’ll always be my first edition, my Sunlit sparkle, my-” he continued.

“This ring is like the one you gave me” she interrupted, “Yes, go on” she prompted.

“My V8 eng–“ he continued.

“I negoyaw you with this ring” she interrupted, taking his hand to slip the ring on, and did.

“I promise to never beat you-” he raised a gold ring in return.

“Hoh!” she gasped, interrupting.

“What?” Rosalind checked around. Luna searched the petals on the lawn.

“At chess, so you will always–“ he continued as he slid the ring onto her finger.

“Oh” she smiled.

“Phew” Luna sighed.

“be the Legend you dream and deserve to be, in This World, and my heart” he managed to conclude, and he and Rosalind smiled in relief.

Before Theodora could say anything else, he scooped her into his arms and Great Kisser kissed her, activating love petals to flutter down around them.

“Aww” they all sighed. Luna reflected on the whole speech.

“I get it now! Aww!” Luna cried.

“Oh I messed it up, I’m so goofy sometimes” Theodora doubted, a little sadly, “I was nervous”

“Not at all, you married me, that’s not messing up to me” Wilfred assured her, “Would you like some cake?”

She brightened right up and went over to the cake, “It’s so pretty” she delighted. “Well done Wilfred” Cecilia clapped. He hoped that meant a promotion, that would just top it all off.

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