Posted by Bobbie on December 31, 2018 in A Sunlit Tides Saga Part 3 |

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Overnight, while Wilfred was sleeping, a transformation became over the house in anticipation of the big day.

Wilfred got up early to be sure to take down his profile off the dating website, and finish his article for a quick funds top-up.

Then he took a shower, feeling like such a super-hero in his super-hero shower that he sang his heart out and Intangibiled’   his arm through the glass. He pulled out all the stops – fruit infused shampoo, Lucky Palms cactus loofah, and Isla Paradiso mermaid tears eye polisher.

Not yet in his special outfit, but sparkling and fragrant, he whipped out his trusty smartphone and threw a party ..

For a wedding.

He activated the buffet table in his new formal dining room, specially built for the day ..

And waited for the guests.

His boss next door, Cecilia only had to run across the grass, but still zig-zagged to the ‘front’ door garage, while her mother and aunty watched on from their porch.

Pearl Yang was invited, because she was in Wilfred’s phonebook after going through her trash, looking through her window and writing up an article about her.

Sera Wahine, her daughter Luna, Rosalind Cruzita, also all friends from garbage.

And of course, Theodora’s best friend Ursula.

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